Thursday, June 16, 2011

Those little Suprises!

It seems like out little bun in the oven now isnt wanting to wait until August to break out! This past week had taken us all as a family through a roller coaster of emotions. No knowing what exactly is going on and the outcome is very hard for Rob and I. In the end, we have to let go and have the faith that God knows whats best for all of us and trust him.

Grace came home this week and I am soooooo thrilled to see her! I think shes grown already and it only been a few weeks. Shes really blowing my mind b how well she is doing in Karate and Jiujitsu, she really seems to fall right into it, kinda like tater tots and katchup, lol.

Ali....well, shes very sercure and I applaud her for that. But I do wish that my dear pudding head would chill out on her newfound love of covergirl makeup, Right now Im trying to convince her that we shoul save such pretty stuff for special times only. Yeah....she buys that **rolling eyes**

Jake is so smart. Every day he amazes me at the things he learns from school, He spent 30 minutes just last week explaining to me how many days are in 416 hours. When I asked how he knew that, his response was something along the lines of , "Well, I was borded watching that dumb movie you made me watch in the car and I figured it out then." The movie I Made him watch by the way was Ice cute, well at least I thought it was!

Sarah graduated to a toddler bed, and so far is doing really well. She likes to migrate into her sissys bed in the middle of the night though.But, shes off to a great start. Oh, and the word "no"? Shes got that mastered!

Aaron is now in his brothers room and doing well. I noticed the other night Jake singing him a night night song. Im amazed at how tender he is towards his little brother. I hope their realationshipis strong, they need each other.

My poor hubby was my unloading bag the other day. I'd had know the kind of day you just wish had a restart button? Yeah, I had one of those! As soon as my hubby made it in the door my marbles hit the floor. Although he didnt understand 90% of what I said he listened and did his uber best to provide comfort when I needed it. Thats truly love....

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